beverly hills body contouring

Microcurrent Body Contouring FAQs

Microcurrent Body Contouring FAQs by Oklahoma City Experts!

Microcurrent Body Contouring is a safe, non-invasive, state-of-the-art  technology that can target specific areas including abdominals (belly fat), arms, breast, buttocks and even thighs. With a healthy lifestyle, the body contouring can be permanent!

We have helped hundreds of women in Oklahoma City, West Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City and the surrounding area get the same slim, sleek bodies that the celebrities have with Microcurrent Body Contouring.

How long has Microcurrent Body Contouring technology been around?

Microcurrent has been used for body and muscle healing purposes for almost a century. In fact, it was used in World War II to help soldiers’ wounds and fractures heal.

However late in the 20th Century doctors began to realize that patients treated with Microcurrent also had facial wrinkles reduced, and skin & muscle tone improved!

Microcurrent has been used in the medical community for decades to treat TMJ, Bell’s Palsy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Macular Degeneration, Scoliosis, Tinnitus and even clinical depression, anxiety, and insomnia! But now it is available for cosmetic purposes, too.

Are there any side effects to Microcurrent Body Contouring?

There absolutely no pain or side effects with Microcurrent Body Contouring. None! If fact – quite the opposite – our clients find it to be quite relaxing.  Afterwards some clients even report feeling “euphoric” or “invigorated”.

Microcurrent Body Contouring does not rely upon a thermal energy (such as a laser) – so there is no inflammation, no redness, and absolutely no downtime.

How many Body Contouring sessions do I need? Oklahoma City

We recommend a minimum of 2 sessions the first week – then one per week until treatment is complete. The number of treatments you will need depends upon the areas being treated. On average, clients typically only need 10-15 treatments for the entire body in order to achieve their goal results.

If you are on a short timeline – for an upcoming wedding or other event – we can accelerate your treatment with twice per week sessions.

How long do Body Contouring results last?

We recommend receiving maintenance treatments every 4-6 weeks to keep your optimal results. With regular maintenance and a healthy lifestyle, your results can be permanent!

If you want a slimmer more toned body call us for your Microcurrent Body Contouring session today!